Tea Stories

Green tea June 21 2017

Green tea's catchines turn up the fat burning effect in your body, making it easier for you to lose weight for good.

The qualities of green tea June 19 2017

Green tea, the drink of the stars and celebrities, is known to have very desirable and positive effects on the skin, helping to ease skin complaints such as acne and eczema. It can take the  place of a normal skin toner or astringent. People simply apply it to the skin, usually with other ingredients, with a cotton wool ball. Regular consumption of green tea can have a dramatic affect on acne and can help reduce it significantly.

Winston Churchill June 18 2017

Churchill is reputed to have called tea more important than ammunition. He ordered that all sailors on ships have unlimited tea during World War II.

The price of tea June 17 2017

A guy walks into a cafe and asks the waitress: "How much is a cup of tea?" 

"Four dollars" she replies. "How much is a refill?" he asks. 

"Refills are free" she tells him. "Then I'll just have a refill" he  responds.


Tea. June 14 2017



A hug in a cup.

For the tea drinker who has everything June 13 2017

Would you believe, I have received a message about having the tags on your teabags printed with jokes. I fear this might cause imbibers to be diverted from the serious business of tea drinking as stand up comedians nationwide might be busy taking pictures in order to capture new material. And don't we already have enough people photographing their food. I mean, really people. I know this is America, but let's keep a modicum of respect for our beverage.

Belly fat June 12 2017

Green tea is a stellar option at any time, given its array of different health benefits. However, if you're looking to lose weight, you should definitely stock up on green tea. It's a proven metabolism booster and given that so much about your weight is predicated on your metabolic rate, it is revered for its ability to oxidize fat by up to 17%, and improve overall weight loss by up to 77% according to several studies.

Green tea and dental health June 11 2017

Green tea may also ensure that your regular trip to the dentist isn't filled with the dreaded sound of his drill. How? The answer lies within green tea's catechins. Catechins are molecules found within green tea which inhibit the growth of bacteria, specifically streptococcus mutans, the mouth's chief enemy. By drinking green tea, you'll also be proactively decreasing the formation of plaque in your mouth, in addition to combatting cavities and tooth decay.

Antioxidants in black and green tea June 10 2017

Black and green teas contain chemicals called flavonoids which prevent oxidation, and also decrease clotting in the body. Green tea will have the most abundant amount of antioxidants because it is not fermented, whereas the black variety is. These antioxidants decrease the risk of heart attacks and also help moderate your cholesterol levels.

Tea vs Alzheimer's and dementia June 09 2017

According to PsyBlog, a study conducted by Rushworth, et al concluded a naturally occurring component of green tea aids in curing Alzheimer's disease. Essentially, a chemical found within green tea - epigallocatechin-3-gallate - decreases plaque buildup in the brain.

Tea as a beauty aid June 08 2017

One of tea's greatest benefits come from its natural ability to hydrate our bodies - as opposed to coffee, which promotes the opposite because it's a diuretic. That's why you may find yourself constantly running to the bathroom after several cups of coffee. Tea also contains polyphenols, which are molecules that bear strong anti-aging qualities. And if you have acne, you're in luck: tea also naturally lowers stress levels and is a cortisol antagonist. Drinking tea will help to prevent future breakouts.

Tea helping cognitive function June 07 2017

If you have a big test tomorrow morning, don't chug a couple of mugs of black coffee to ensure that you're firing on all cylinders. Tea might be the more efficient alternative. The amino acid theanine found within tea is associated with enhanced cognitive performance, according to a PsyBlog experiment conducted by Einother and Martens.

Tea lowering the risk of cancer? June 06 2017

While both green and black teas are the most associated with prevention of cancer - and the reduction of risk - the scientific statistics that support tea's anti-cancer case are staggering. According to Women's Health, just sipping tea at least three times each week can decrease your risk for specific digestive cancers by almost 30%. And, as they say, you can never have too much of a good thing: drinking tea only makes the benefits more abundant.

Tea as a stress reliever June 05 2017

After doing a little digging, you'll find that there's just a different type of herbal tea to remedy every ailment. If you have a nervous stomach over an upcoming presentation at work or at school, pot for mint herbal tea.

For sleeplessness in the nights before a big occasion, try ginseng. Headache after hours in traffic? Find some tea with lavender in it. There are many options out there, just ask your old friend Google.

The wonders of tea June 04 2017

While drinking a few cups of English Breakfast each morning wont help you to have a body like Schwarzenegger any time soon, that doesn't mean it can't help you to get there.

Tea has been proven to provide many physical wonders, one being its ability to boost your endurance during physical activity and workouts. Catechins, which are found in green tea, can help your body catalyze fat burning, then turn it into fuel, improving muscle endurance during workouts. 

Honey Cake (goes wonderfully with Earl Grey, all 50 shades of it!) June 02 2017

The Honey Cake has existed for hundreds of years, found throughout most of Europe, all the way back to Medieval times. On of the reasons is the fact that honey helps keep shelf life quite long. Honey itself has no expiration date and it never really goes bad.

Caffeine properties in tea June 01 2017

While many types of teas don't contain large quantities of caffeine, black tea is a major exception. Your standard cup of mild-roast coffee will contain around 150 mg. of caffeine in each 8 oz cup, green tea, which has more caffeine than standard tea - has about 3 0 mg of caffeine per 8 oz serving.  Black tea, however, generally has about 65-70 mg of caffeine per 8 oz serving. By drinking a larger glass of black tea, you can account for a similar amount of caffeine each morning.

Tea and Dementia May 31 2017

According to the Mayo Clinic, Dementia is a very common disease affecting the elderly, with over 3 million cases diagnosed every hear. It is a cruel affliction and, for the most part, modern medicine has yet to find a reliable cure. Recent research from the National University of Singapore concludes that drinking tea regularly could lower the risk of cognitive decline among the elderly by 50%. They also conclude that those who are genetically at risk of Alzheimer's who drank tea regularly had a 86% lower risk of actual getting Alzheimer's.

Desserts served with Turkish Tea May 31 2017

Most often, salty or sweet biscuits called kurabiye are served with tea. Baklava is traditionally served with lemonade, not tea, as lemonade balances the cloying sweetness of baklava.

Tea in Greece and Cyprus May 30 2017

Throughout Greece and Cyprus, Greek tea is made with cinnamon and cloves.

Tea in Turkey May 29 2017

In Turkey, herbal teas are generally used as herbal medication. They are mostly popular with foreign tourists, along with apple, rose hip or linden flower, these being the most consumed flavors. Sage tea is the most popular in the Mediterranean coastal region. In Turkey, herbal teas destined for the treatment of most ailments can be found in local herbal shops, called aktar. Dried herbal leaves, petals, shoots etc. are sold in loose-leaf form according to each customer's need and taste.


Tea with sugar May 28 2017

There are many tea cultures where sugar really does add to the experience: instances are Turkish, Russian and Moroccan. Even for the British and Irish (the second largest drinking nation per capita, way more than the English), the question was always "one spoon or two?" Not ten, like Turkey, which has the highest rate of tea consumption in the world.  But in England Ireland, two is the norm.

The old debate about tea with milk and sugar May 27 2017

The questions about whether or not you should sugar/milk date back well over a century to the days when tea was black, heavy, often bitter and mostly from Assam & Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). Milk softened it and sugar offset the harshness. It's still a matter of choice, though most tea lovers prefer their tea as just tea.

More tea history in China May 25 2017

Between 1101 and 1125, the Chinese Emperor developed an obsession with tea. He wrote frequently about the best practices of tea, including whisking. He often held tea-tasting tournaments in his royal court. 

Emperor Hui Tsung ignored the Mongol threat to the region as they took over the entire empire.

Garden settings became very popular for tea ceremonies around China, a tradition which continues to this day.