Tea Stories

Mountainous tea areas July 29 2017

Most of the world's tea is grown in mountain areas 3,000 to 7,000 feet above sea level, and between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Other Tea-producing countries include Argentina, China, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.

About the growth of tea plants July 28 2017

Just the top 1 or 2 inches of a mature plant, or the flushes of the plant, are picked to make tea. A new flush grows within 7 to 15 days during growing season.

The growth of tea plants July 27 2017

A tea plant can grow into a tree that is as tall as 52 feet if its leaves are not harvested. Cultivated plants are usually pruned to waist height for easy access when picking the tea.

Tea in other Nations July 25 2017

Tea is the national drink in Iran and Afghanistan. Green tea is consumed as a thirst quencher, and black tea as a warming beverage. Both are prepared with lots of sugars.

Thomas de Quincey July 23 2017

"Tea, though ridiculed by those who are naturally coarse in their nervous sensibilities, will always be the favorite beverage of the intellectual."


On buying tea July 22 2017

"You can't buy happiness, but you can buy tea".



Teabags can freshen your carpets July 16 2017

To freshen a carpet, sprinkle dry loose leaf tea and let it sit for at least half an hour before vacuuming it up. It can make such a difference. (Keep your pets in a different room or this can turn into a chaotic scene).

Teabag fresheners July 15 2017

A dry teabag, either fresh or used, can work it's magic in absorbing odors in a trash can.

Other uses for Teabags July 14 2017

To kill odors, a used teabag in a cup or bowl will help to freshen the fridge.

Tea ... the panacea for all ills July 13 2017

"Okay, this is the wisdom. First, time spent on reconnaissance is never wasted. Second, almost anything can be improved with the addition of bacon. And finally, there is no problem on earth that cannot ameliorated by a hot bath and a cup of tea."

Fasper Fforde, Shades of Grey

Tea - a herbal tonic? July 12 2017

When tea first appeared in the West, buyers would visit an apothecary rather than a tea shop to purchase tea leaves, as it was considered a herbal tonic. Apothecarists sold tea to address skin ailments, stomach complaints, sleepiness and memory loss amongst other things.

More benefits of green tea July 11 2017

Research done on green tea extracts has shown increased fat oxidation and improved insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. It is not clear if you can access these benefits in their entirety by drinking green tea, because the liquid and the extras are processed differently, but empirical evidence indicates that there are similar, though less pronounced, digestive benefits from drinking a few cups of green tea a day.

Tea as medicine July 10 2017

Tea was medicine before it became a popular beverage. In ancient China, people would add herbs and even onions to tea to enhance its natural healthful properties before purist Lu Yu made it popular to savor tea without enhancement.

Tea's long ranging properties July 09 2017

Asian societies believed that tea increased wakefulness and aided digestion, which is why they would have it with or after food. It also contributed to a person's vitality, hence the Japanese proverb: "If a man has no tea in him, he is incapable of understanding truth and beauty."

Buddha July 06 2017

There's a legend that one day, Buddha fell asleep whil.st trying to meditate. Annoyed at himself, he cut off his eyelids so he couldn't fall asleep any more. and threw them on the ground. The story goes that a tea tree then grew where his eyelids fell, and that is why tea provides wakefulness. (Or so they say).

More benefits of tea July 04 2017

The tannins in tea may stain your teeth, but what you can't see is the benefits that the fluoride in tea provides. For those concerned about fluoride toxicity, you'll be glad to know that the antioxidants in tea counteract oxidative stress, which is apparently how fluoride can damage cells in the body. Tea also inhibits the plaque-forming ability of oral bacteria and can help freshen your breath.

Tea deodorant July 03 2017

A dry tea bag (fresh or used) can work its odor absorbing magic in a trash can.

Marinading with tea July 02 2017

For a tastier dish, use tea instead of beer or wine when marinading food.

Tea - it's not just for drinking any more! June 30 2017

For pain relief, a cool wet tea bag can soothe pain or irritation for bug bites or sunburn. You will feel relief in no time at all.

Tibet June 26 2017

Tibet is meat and dairy country, so when the tea trade began there, the beverage soon turned into a kind of soup, which they called butter tea, which used tea to add nutritional value, (vitamins and minerals) to the traditional diet that relied heavily on protein.



Antioxidants June 25 2017

It turns out that they have some anti-aging properties, preventing wrinkles and other signs of aging on the skin if you drink your greens.

Topical use of tea leaves reduces sun damage and tea liquid can be used as a cleanser and toner in a beauty routine. You can also make a face mask from a poultice of the leaves to reduce inflammation and detox the skin. Tea decreases oiliness, and the tannins also help tighten the skin. 

Chinese thoughts on Oolongs June 24 2017

The Chinese say oolongs get your stomach going, whereas pu'er strengthens your digestive system, and this has largely proven true. Oolongs stimulate your metabolism and alkalise your digestive tract, helping to balance the acids that break down food. Aged pu'ers, because they undergo microbial fermentation, contain a number of beneficial enzymes that can address ailments from constipation to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. (IBS). Both help lower cholesterol.

More green tea tidbits June 23 2017

Research done on green tea extracts has shown increased fat oxidation and improved insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. It is not clear if you can access these benefits in their entirety by drinking green tea, because the liquid and the extracts are processed differently, but empirical evidence indicates there are similar, though less pronounced, digestive benefits from drinking a few cups of green tea a day.

Dental care June 22 2017

As well as skin care, it is claimed by manufacturers that Green Tea can be used as a mouthwash. Due top the amount of natural fluoride in Green Tea, it can help prevent tooth decay, buildup of plaque, and help to strengthen teeth and gums. At least, that's what they tell us.